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IRPIA Fellows: Call for Applications

IRPIA Fellows: Call for Applications
  • Senior Fellows
  • Research Fellows

IRPIA Fellows: Call for Applications

IRPIA is accepting applications for the positions of senior and research fellows. Please visit our website (www.irpia.org) to learn about our vision, leadership and focus areas and submit your application.


Senior Fellows (scholars and policy experts)

Qualifications: Senior Fellows are established researchers and policy analysts with doctorate degrees (or equivalent level of policy experience) and good publication (or leadership) records. They typically hold the rank of Associate Professor or higher at an accredited university or have held senior positions in well-established policy organizations, professional practices, or government. 

Responsibilities: Senior Fellows lead grant applications and research and policy studies. They work with Research Fellows to implement projects and publish academic and policy works in line with the mission of IRPIA. Senior Fellows are compensated through the grant projects they are leading for IRPIA.

Research Fellows (scholars and policy experts)

Qualifications: Research Fellows must hold a doctorate degree or a master’s degree with at least two years of professional experience in established policy organizations, practices, or government agencies.

Responsibilities: Research Fellows conduct research and policy analysis. They work in collaboration with Senior Fellows to collect and analyze data and write scholarly and policy works in line with the mission of IRPIA. Research Fellows are compensated through the grant projects they participate in.


In addition to gaining compensation through grant activities, you will be connected to a network of high-level experts and further your research agenda and policy interests. Our network includes renowned scholars and experts and institutions in Africa, United States, Europe, and Asia. There can also be opportunities to travel.


Interested candidates should email the following materials to Prof. Abu Bakar Bah at irpia@irpia.org 

  • CV
  • List of your best five publications (academic or policy) – provide full reference information
  • List of your two most recent publications (academic or policy) – provide full reference information  
  • Deadline: Applications will be reviewed as they come, apply now.


IRPIA is a pan-African think tank serving as a hub for the fusion of evidence-based research with pressing public policy issues. It is headquartered in Sierra Leone and housed at Northern Illinois University in the United States. IRPIA has partnerships across Africa and with European and Asian institutions that have specific research and/or policy interests in Africa. IRPIA was founded in 2023 under the leadership of Prof. Abu Bakarr Bah who is a globally renowned scholar of peace and conflict and the founding editor of African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review (ACPR). Prof. Bah holds the prestigious title of Presidential Research Professor of Sociology at Northern Illinois University and is the current head of the sociology department.

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